Function/Method Assertions
An assertion tool that waits until a certain time for an expected function return value. When the timeout is reached, the assertion fails with a timeout error. The default timeout of 2s can be overridden by wait_until(
Function Description is_null Verifies that the current value is null. is_not_null Verifies that the current value is not null. is_equal Verifies that the current value is equal to expected one. is_not_equal Verifies that the current value is not equal to expected one. is_true Verifies that the current value is true. is_false Verifies that the current value is false. wait_until Sets the timeout in ms to wait the function returnd the expected value. -
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Function/Method Assert Examples
Waits until the return value of the function is equal to the expected value until the wait time has expired.
func assert_func(<instance :Object>, <func_name :String>, [args :Array]).is_equal(<expected>) -> GdUnitAssert
# waits until get_count() returns 9 or fails after default timeout of 2s
yield(assert_func(self, "get_count").is_equal(9.0), "completed")
Waits until the return value of the function is NOT equal to the expected value until the wait time has expired.
func assert_func(<instance :Object>, <func_name :String>, [args :Array]).is_not_equal(<expected>) -> GdUnitAssert
# waits until get_state() returns different value than "idle" or fails after default timeout of 2s
yield(assert_func(self, "get_state").is_not_equal("idle"), "completed")
Waits until the return value of the function is NULL until the wait time has expired.
func assert_func(<instance :Object>, <func_name :String>, [args :Array]).is_null() -> GdUnitAssert
# waits until get_parent() returns NULL or fails after default timeout of 2s
yield(assert_func(self, "get_parent").is_null(), "completed")
Waits until the return value of the function is NOT NULL until the wait time has expired.
func assert_func(<instance :Object>, <func_name :String>, [args :Array]).is_not_null() -> GdUnitAssert
# waits until get_parent() returns not NULL or fails after default timeout of 2s
yield(assert_func(self, "get_parent").is_not_null(), "completed")
Waits until the return value of the function is true until the wait time has expired.
func assert_func(<instance :Object>, <func_name :String>, [args :Array]).is_true() -> GdUnitAssert
# waits until has_parent() returns true or fails after default timeout of 2s
yield(assert_func(self, "has_parent").is_true(), "completed")
Waits until the return value of the function is false until the wait time has expired.
func assert_func(<instance :Object>, <func_name :String>, [args :Array]).is_false() -> GdUnitAssert
# waits until has_parent() returns false or fails after default timeout of 2s
yield(assert_func(self, "has_parent").is_false(), "completed")
Sets the timeout in ms to wait the function returnd the expected value, if the time over a failure is emitted
func assert_func(<instance :Object>, <func_name :String>, [args :Array]).wait_until(<timeout>) -> GdUnitFuncAssert
# waits until has_parent() returns false or fails after custom timeout of 5s
yield(assert_func(self, "has_parent").wait_until(5000).is_false(), "completed")