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Array Assertions

An assertion tool to verify arrays.

  • GdUnitArrayAssert

    Function Description
    is_null Verifies that the current value is null.
    is_not_null Verifies that the current value is not null.
    is_equal Verifies that the current Array is equal to the given one.
    is_equal_ignoring_case Verifies that the current Array is equal to the given one, ignoring case considerations.
    is_not_equal Verifies that the current Array is not equal to the given one.
    is_not_equal_ignoring_case Verifies that the current Array is not equal to the given one, ignoring case considerations.
    is_empty Verifies that the current Array is empty, it has a size of 0.
    is_not_empty Verifies that the current Array is not empty, it has a size of minimum 1.
    has_size Verifies that the current Array has a size of given value.
    contains Verifies that the current Array contains the given values, in any order.
    contains_exactly Verifies that the current Array contains exactly only the given values and nothing else, in same order.
    contains_exactly_in_any_order Verifies that the current Array contains exactly only the given values and nothing else, in any order.
    extract Extracts all values by given function name and optional arguments.
    extractv Extracts all values by given extractor’s.
  • IEnumerableAssert

    Function Description
    IsNull Verifies that the current value is null.
    IsNotNull Verifies that the current value is not null.
    IsEqual Verifies that the current Array is equal to the given one.
    IsEqualIgnoringCase Verifies that the current Array is equal to the given one, ignoring case considerations.
    IsNotEqual Verifies that the current Array is not equal to the given one.
    IsNotEqualIgnoringNase Verifies that the current Array is not equal to the given one, ignoring case considerations.
    IsEmpty Verifies that the current Array is empty, it has a size of 0.
    IsNotEmpty Verifies that the current Array is not empty, it has a size of minimum 1.
    HasNize Verifies that the current Array has a size of given value.
    Contains Verifies that the current Array contains the given values, in any order.
    ContainsExactly Verifies that the current Array contains exactly only the given values and nothing else, in same order.
    ContainsExactlyInAnyOrder Verifies that the current Array contains exactly only the given values and nothing else, in any order.
    Extract Extracts all values by given function name and optional arguments.
    ExtractV Extracts all values by given extractor’s.

Array Assert Examples


Verifies that the current value is null.

  •     func assert_array(<current>).is_null() -> GdUnitArrayAssert
        # this assertion succeeds
        # should fail because the array not null
  •     public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).IsNull()
        // this assertion succeeds
        // should fail because the array not null
        AssertThat(new int[]{}).IsNull();


Verifies that the current value is not null.

  •     func assert_array(<current>).is_not_null() -> GdUnitArrayAssert
        # this assertion succeeds
        # should fail because the array is null
  •     public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).IsNotNull()
        // this assertion succeeds
        AssertThat(new int[]{}).IsNotNull();
        // should fail because the array is null


Verifies that the current Array is equal to the given one.

  •     func assert_array(<current>).is_equal(<expected>) -> GdUnitArrayAssert
        # this assertion succeeds
        assert_array([1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5]).is_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5])
        # should fail because the array not contains same elements and has diff size
        assert_array([1, 2, 4, 5]).is_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5])
  •     public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).IsEqual(<expected>)
        // this assertion succeeds
        AssertThat(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5}).IsEqual(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5});
        // should fail because the array not contains same elements and has diff size
        AssertThat(new int[]{1, 2, 4, 2, 5}).IsEqual(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5});


Verifies that the current Array is equal to the given one, ignoring case considerations.

  •     func assert_array(<current>).is_equal_ignoring_case(<expected>) -> GdUnitArrayAssert
        # this assertion succeeds
        assert_array(["this", "is", "a", "message"]).is_equal_ignoring_case(["This", "is", "a", "Message"])
        # should fail because the array not contains same elements
        assert_array(["this", "is", "a", "message"]).is_equal_ignoring_case(["This", "is", "an", "Message"])
  •     public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).IsEqualIgnoringCase(<expected>)
        // this assertion succeeds
        AssertThat(new sring[]{"this", "is", "a", "message"}).IsEqualIgnoringCase(new sring[]{"This", "is", "a", "Message"});
        // should fail because the array not contains same elements
        AssertThat(new sring[]{"this", "is", "a", "message"}).IsEqualIgnoringCase(new sring[]{"This", "is", "an", "Message"});


Verifies that the current Array is not equal to the given one.

  •     func assert_array(<current>).is_not_equal(<expected>) -> GdUnitArrayAssert
        # this assertion succeeds
        assert_array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).is_not_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
        # should fail because the array contains same elements
        assert_array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).is_not_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
  •     public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).IsNotEqual(<expected>)
        // this assertion succeeds
        AssertThat(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}).IsNotEqual(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6});
        // should fail because the array contains same elements
        AssertThat(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}).IsNotEqual(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5});


Verifies that the current Array is not equal to the given one, ignoring case considerations.

  •     func assert_array(<current>).is_not_equal_ignoring_case(<expected>) -> GdUnitArrayAssert
        # this assertion succeeds
        assert_array(["this", "is", "a", "message"]).is_not_equal_ignoring_case(["This", "is", "an", "Message"])
        # should fail because the array contains same elements ignoring case sensitive
        assert_array(["this", "is", "a", "message"]).is_not_equal_ignoring_case(["This", "is", "a", "Message"])
  •     public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).IsNotEqualIgnoringCase(<expected>)
        // this assertion succeeds
        AssertThat(new string[]{"this", "is", "a", "message"}).IsNotEqualIgnoringCase(new string[]{"This", "is", "an", "Message"});
        // should fail because the array contains same elements ignoring case sensitive
        AssertThat(new string[]{"this", "is", "a", "message"}).IsNotEqualIgnoringCase(new string[]{"This", "is", "a", "Message"});


Verifies that the current Array is empty, it has a size of 0.

  •     func assert_array(<current>).is_empty() -> GdUnitArrayAssert
        # this assertion succeeds
        # should fail because the array is not empty it has a size of one
  •     public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).IsEmpty()
        // this assertion succeeds
        AssertThat(new int[]{}).IsEmpty();
        // should fail because the array is not empty it has a size of one
        AssertThat(new int[]{1}).IsEmpty();


Verifies that the current Array is not empty, it has a size of minimum 1.

  •     func assert_array(<current>).is_not_empty() -> GdUnitArrayAssert
        # this assertion succeeds
        # should fail because the array is empty
  •     public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).IsNotEmpty()
        // this assertion succeeds
        AssertThat(new int[]{1}).IsNotEmpty();
        // should fail because the array is empty
        AssertThat(new int[]{}).IsNotEmpty();


Verifies that the current Array has a size of given value.

  •     func assert_array(<current>).has_size(<expected>) -> GdUnitArrayAssert
        # this assertion succeeds
        assert_array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).has_size(5)
        assert_array(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]).has_size(6)
        # should fail because the array has a size of 5 and not 4
        assert_array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).has_size(4)
  •     public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).HasSize(<expected>)
        // this assertion succeeds
        AssertThat(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}).HasSize(5);
        AssertThat(new string[]{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"}).HasSize(6);
        // should fail because the array has a size of 5 and not 4
        AssertThat(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}).HasSize(4);


Verifies that the current Array contains the given values, in any order.

  •     func assert_array(<current>).contains(<expected>) -> GdUnitArrayAssert
        # this assertion succeeds
        assert_array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).contains([5, 2])
        # should fail because the array not contains 7 and 6
        assert_array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).contains([2, 7, 6])
  •     public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).Contains(<expected>)
        // this assertion succeeds
        AssertThat(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}).Contains(5, 2);
        // should fail because the array not contains 7 and 6
        AssertThat(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}).Contains(2, 7, 6):


Verifies that the current Array contains exactly only the given values and nothing else, in same order.

  •     func assert_array(<current>).contains_exactly(<expected>) -> GdUnitArrayAssert
        # this assertion succeeds
        assert_array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).contains_exactly([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        # should fail because the array contains the same elements but in a different order
        assert_array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).contains_exactly([1, 4, 3, 2, 5])
  •     public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).ContainsExactly(<expected>)
        // this assertion succeeds
        AssertThat(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}).ContainsExactly(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
        // should fail because the array contains the same elements but in a different order
        AssertThat(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}).ContainsExactly(1, 4, 3, 2, 5);


Verifies that the current Array contains exactly only the given values and nothing else, in any order.

  •     func contains_exactly_in_any_order(expected) -> GdUnitArrayAssert:
        # this assertion succeeds, contains all elements but in a different order
        assert_array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).contains_exactly_in_any_order([1, 5, 3, 4, 2])
        # should fail because the array contains not exacly all elements (5 is missing)
        assert_array([1, 2, 3, 4]).contains_exactly([1, 4, 3, 2])
  •     public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).ContainsExactlyInAnyOrder(<expected>)
        // this assertion succeeds, contains all elements but in a different order
        AssertThat(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}).ContainsExactlyInAnyOrder(1, 5, 3, 4, 2);
        // should fail because the array contains not exacly all elements (5 is missing)
        AssertThat(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4}).ContainsExactlyInAnyOrder(1, 4, 3, 2);


Extracts all values by given function name and optional arguments into a new ArrayAssert. If the elements not accessible by func_name the value is converted to "n.a", expecting null values

You can use function name chaining e.g. get_parent.get_name

  •     func assert_array(<current>).extract(<func_name :String>, [args :Array]) -> GdUnitArrayAssert
        func assert_array(<current>).extract(<func_name :String>[.<func_name>, ..]) -> GdUnitArrayAssert
        # extracting only by function name "get_class"
        assert_array([, 2,, auto_free(])\
            .contains_exactly(["Reference", "n.a.", "AStar", "Node"])
        # extracting by a function name and arguments
        assert_array([, 2,, auto_free(])\
            .extract("has_signal", ["tree_entered"])\
            .contains_exactly([false, "n.a.", false, true])
  •     public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).Extract(<func_name :String>, <args>);
        public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).Extract(<func_name :String>[.<func_name>], <args>]);
        // extracting only by function name "get_class"
        AssertThat(new object[] { new Reference(), 2, new AStar(), AutoFree(new Node()) })
            .ContainsExactly("Reference", "n.a.", "AStar", "Node");
        // extracting by a function name and arguments
        AssertThat(new object[] { new Reference(), 2, new AStar(), AutoFree(new Node()) })
            .Extract("has_signal", ["tree_entered"])
            .ContainsExactly(false, "n.a.", false, true);


Extracts all values by given extractor’s into a new ArrayAssert, a maximum of teen extractors currently supported. If the elements not extractable than the value is converted to "n.a", expecting null values

To check multiple extracted values you must use tuple, a tuple can hold two up to ten values

  •     func assert_array(<current>).extractv(<extractor:GdUnitValueExtractor>[, extractor, ..]) -> GdUnitArrayAssert
        # example object for extraction
        class TestObj:
            var _name :String
            var _value
            var _x
            func _init(name :String, value, x = null):
                _name = name
                _value = value
                _x = x
            func get_name() -> String:
                return _name
            func get_value():
                return _value
            func get_x():
                return _x
        # single extract
        assert_array([1, false, 3.14, null, Color.aliceblue])\
            .contains_exactly(["n.a.", "n.a.", "n.a.", null, "n.a."])
        # tuple of two
        assert_array(["A", 10),"B", "foo"), Color.aliceblue,"C", 11)])\
            .extractv(extr("get_name"), extr("get_value"))\
                tuple("A", 10),
                tuple("B", "foo"),
                tuple("n.a.", "n.a."), 
                tuple("C", 11)])
        # tuple of three
        assert_array(["A", 10),"B", "foo", "bar"),"C", 11, 42)])\
            .extractv(extr("get_name"), extr("get_value"), extr("get_x"))\
                tuple("A", 10, null),
                tuple("B", "foo", "bar"), 
                tuple("C", 11, 42)])
  •     public static IEnumerableAssert AssertThat(<current>).ExtractV(<extractor:IValueExtractor>[, extractor, ..]);
        // example object for extraction
        class TestObj : Godot.Reference
            string _name;
            object _value;
            object _x;
            public TestObj(string name, object value, object x = null)
                _name = name;
                _value = value;
                _x = x;
            public string GetName() => _name;
            public object GetValue() => _value;
            public object GetX() => _x;
        // single extract
        AssertThat(new object[] { 1, false, 3.14, null, Colors.AliceBlue })
            .ContainsExactly("n.a.", "n.a.", "n.a.", null, "n.a.");
        // tuple of two
        AssertThat(new object[] { new TestObj("A", 10), new TestObj("B", "foo"), Colors.AliceBlue, new TestObj("C", 11) })
                    .ExtractV(Extr("GetName"), Extr("GetValue"))
                    .ContainsExactly(Tuple("A", 10), Tuple("B", "foo"), Tuple("n.a.", "n.a."), Tuple("C", 11));
        // tuple of three
        AssertThat(new object[] { new TestObj("A", 10), new TestObj("B", "foo", "bar"), new TestObj("C", 11, 42) })
                    .ExtractV(Extr("GetName"), Extr("GetValue"), Extr("GetX"))
                    .ContainsExactly(Tuple("A", 10, null), Tuple("B", "foo", "bar"), Tuple("C", 11, 42));

custom value extractor

GdUnit provides extr function to build a value extractor by given function name and optional arguments. You can use also function name chaining e.g. get_parent.get_name

  •     # Builds an extractor by given function name and optional arguments
        static func extr(<func_name :String>[.func_name, ..], [args :Array]) -> GdUnitValueExtractor:
  •     // Builds an extractor by given function name and optional arguments
        public static IValueExtractor Extr(string methodName, params object[] args);

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