Error Assertion

The assert_error function in GdUnit4 is designed to test for Godot runtime errors, such as failing asserts, script runtime errors, push_error, and push_warning messages. This function allows you to ensure that specific error conditions are met during the execution of your code.

  • GdUnitGodotErrorAssert

    Function Description
    is_success Verifies if the executed code runs without any runtime errors.
    is_runtime_error Verifies if the executed code runs into a runtime error.
    is_push_warning Verifies if the executed code has a push_warning() used.
    is_push_error Verifies if the executed code has a push_error() used.
  • IErrorAssert

    Not implemented yet!

    Function Description
    IsSuccess Verifies if the executed code runs without any runtime errors.
    IsRuntimeError Verifies if the executed code runs into a runtime error.
    IsPushWarning Verifies if the executed code has a push_warning() used.
    IsPushError Verifies if the executed code has a push_error() used.

Testing for Success

To test whether a specific code snippet runs successfully without any errors, you can use the is_success() function with assert_error. Here’s an example:

  •     func assert_error(<Callable>).is_success() -> GdUnitGodotErrorAssert:
        func test_is_success() -> void:
            await assert_error(func(): <code to execute>).is_success()
  • Not implemented yet!

Replace <code to execute> with the actual code snippet you want to test. If the code executes without any runtime errors, the test will pass; otherwise, it will fail.

Testing for Assert Failed

You can use assert_error to verify that an assertion failure occurs during the execution of your code. This can help you ensure that your asserts are working correctly. Here’s an example:

  •     func assert_error(<Callable>).is_runtime_error(<message>) -> GdUnitGodotErrorAssert:
        func test_is_assert_failed() -> void:
            await assert_error(func(): <code to execute>)\
                .is_runtime_error('Assertion failed: this is an assert error')
  • Not implemented yet!

Replace <code to execute> with the code snippet that contains the assertion you want to test. The is_runtime_error function checks whether the expected assertion error message is generated. If the assertion fails as expected, the test will pass; otherwise, it will fail.

Testing for Push Warnings and Push Errors

You can also use assert_error to test for specific push warnings and push errors that may occur during the execution of your code. Here are examples for both cases:

  •     func assert_error(<Callable>).is_push_warning(<message>) -> GdUnitGodotErrorAssert:
        func assert_error(<Callable>).is_push_error(<message>) -> GdUnitGodotErrorAssert:
        func test_is_push_warning() -> void:
            await assert_error(func(): <code to execute>)\
                .is_push_warning('this is a push_warning')
        func test_is_push_error() -> void:
            await assert_error(func(): <code to execute>)\
                .is_push_error('this is a push_error')
  • Not implemented yet!

Replace <code to execute> with the relevant code snippet that may generate a push warning or a push error. The is_push_warning and is_push_error functions check whether the expected warning or error message is generated during code execution. If the message is generated as expected, the test will pass; otherwise, it will fail.


Using assert_error in GdUnit4 allows you to test for specific runtime errors and conditions that may occur during the execution of your Godot code. This helps you ensure the reliability and correctness of your application by catching and verifying error scenarios.

document version v4.1.4

Copyright © 2021-2024 Mike Schulze. Distributed by an MIT license.